Diving into Water Lilies

Hey there! I’ve been wanting to paint water lilies for the longest time, but you know what? I didn’t want to get bogged down in too many details. So, I decided to take dive in and try my hand at a loose watercolor style—it’s all about going with the flow.

For this one, I grabbed my 140 lb cold press paper and my favourite go to Art Philosophy paints. And let me tell you, it was a total blast! There’s something so freeing about letting the colors dance across the page without worrying too much about perfection.

Sure, my water lilies might not be picture-perfect, but hey, that’s all part of the fun!

Bye bye for now 🙋🏻


Okay! Finally the time has come and we have decided to move to our home country India 🇮🇳 for good. Last few weeks were so busy, so much going on at a time. Packing, gift shopping and all.. what not! Now we are all set to go back. 
I’m full of mixed emotions. I know I’m going to miss so many things badly but this how life is, you have to keep moving and keep improving. But glad and excited at the same time as I’ll be meeting my family and friends almost after 3 years. Routine will change soon, new job new responsibilities. We bought a new apartment there, so I have to decorate that as well. 
Okay let me tell you one more things, as I mentioned above I haven’t met my family in long time. So everyone out there is asking us when are you coming? when are you coming? 😀  We – me and my husband haven’t informed our families about our move. We are planning to give them a surprise. I’m sure they will be thrill to see us. Super excited to see everyone’s reaction 🤣 
Considering all this I’ve decided to take a short break from my blog. I promise I’ll be back soon, once things settle down. Will let you about the journey and all. 😀  I might post few quick doodle on my Instagram. We can catch up there. 
About Painting: I started this Pink Water Lily In The Pond painting long time back, I could finish it last week. You might have seen some work in progress photos on my IG. Here is a completed version. I’ve used White Nights Colors for this one.
Below are some progress photographs. 


Thank you for visiting 🙂 🙂  I’ll be back soon, until then bye bye 🙋🏻

White Beauty


Last week I painted water-lily but I was quite disappointed with the over all result. I thought it was lacking of depth so I decided to paint the same subject one more time and here it is!

I stared with pencil drawing then applied mask on flower and edges of leaves oh yes, covered flower reflection too. Then moved to painting water first then leaves and flower followed by its reflection. I guess this is the first time I painted the white flower! I used shades of blue and gray for flower. I tried my best to show flower reflection in water but um… 😀

Here are few work in progress pictures. Thanks to Karen Broemmelsick for lovely photo reference.

This time I’m quite happy with results, would love to know your comments and suggestion over the same. Thanks for visiting. Have a happy long weekend.