Diving into Water Lilies

Hey there! I’ve been wanting to paint water lilies for the longest time, but you know what? I didn’t want to get bogged down in too many details. So, I decided to take dive in and try my hand at a loose watercolor style—it’s all about going with the flow.

For this one, I grabbed my 140 lb cold press paper and my favourite go to Art Philosophy paints. And let me tell you, it was a total blast! There’s something so freeing about letting the colors dance across the page without worrying too much about perfection.

Sure, my water lilies might not be picture-perfect, but hey, that’s all part of the fun!

😎 Ta-da! Surpirse 😍


Do you remember I told you its long story for choosing Mission Gold Paints. Let me tell you, I ordered this one in frist week of July hoping I can use them for my World Water Color Month paintings but I got them couple of days back! In between I got impatient waiting for this one and ordered Mission Gold 😉 😀 I was about to cancel my order for this colors but somehow I didn’t (Thank God!) LoL! OMG almost a month wait but I found it worth after my first painting with these colors. 

It’s a Russian brand. It came in a white sturdy plastic box with an extra palette and a blank test card watercolor paper. The pigments are rich and vibrant, quality is just wonderful.  They are smooth, intense, and blend very well.

water lily

Have a great weekend. 🙂 Thanks for visiting!

Water Lily


I have used Strathmore watercolor paper, cold press, 140lb and Sakura koi colors.

I recently bought a set aquash brushes so I tried few of them for lily and lily pad. Background I have done with round brushes.

I started with pencil drawing and then I covered the window with masking tape so background wash color won’t go outside and lily-lily pad with masking fluid. Then I started coloring respectively.

It was little trouble with background but some how I call it finished 🙂 Would love to hear suggestions from you.